In May of 2017 Kentek launched our laser safety showcase van – Photon1. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s really cool!
Photon1 is a mobile educational lab demonstrating control measures such as laser curtain systems, interlock systems, enclosures, IR detection devices, alignment tools, laser eyewear and more. Since it’s inaugural trip, Photon1 has traveled over 30,000 miles and has visited hundreds of Kentek customers ranging from New England to South Florida, Southern California to the Pacific Northwest and everywhere in between. But – we’re just getting started. We’re kicking off the 2019 campaign with a visit to the International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC) in Orlando, FL the week of March 18th. If you are attending ILSC, come see us in the hotel parking lot – we’ll be there for 3-days! I’ll personally be there along with colleague Dave Meissner and Kentek owner Tom MacMullin. Once Photon1 departs ILSC it will be in the Orlando, FL area for another week before heading north to Georgia. Here’s a peak at what’s inside:
We’ve set the schedule thru May 2019:
- March 31-April 5 – GA & TN
- April 8-12 – AL, LA & Dallas, TX area
- April 15-19 – OK & St. Louis, MO area
- April 23-26 – WI
- April 29-May 3 – MN & IA
- May 6-10 – Chicago, IL area
- May 13-17 – Detroit, MI area
If you are located in any of these areas and would like a Photon1 visit please let me know and we’ll get something scheduled. I’ll be on three of these trips and the rest of our LaserSmart™ staff will handle the rest of the load. After we get through the summer Photon1 will head back out hitting regions in the Southwest and West Coast. I’ll make another post with future dates and locations. In the meantime stay safe and stay LaserSmart™ !